Tuesday, August 24, 2010

drawing exercise and three works-in-progress

Here is an "upside down drawing," a drawing exercise I did from an instructional book, Drawing for the Absolute and Utter Beginner. I think it came out better than I thought it would. Also, here are three works-in-progress. I did these on individual sheets of paper.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

first attempt at drawing!

I've been doing lots of art-related activities recently! Everything from coloring pictures for a charity called Color a Smile (www.colorasmile.org) to painting backgrounds to doodling designs in my art journal. I don't have any completed pages of my art journal to show you, though. However, I do have my FIRST attempt at drawing to show you. I followed an exercise from a website called Teach Art at Home (http://www.teachartathome.com/). I will be taking an online drawing class with Leslie Herger (http://www.comfortableshoesstudio.com/) in September, so I wanted to experiment first. Here is my final product! (PS- I know it's terrible!)

Are you ready for winter?

Hello, friends! I hope everyone is doing well. I have been crocheting a lot lately. In the past week, I have mostly been crocheting bandanna...