Friday, December 27, 2013

Night of the Book! AND MORE!

Tonight, during a spell of insomnia, I made this little booklet. It's my first attempt at combining mail art and art journaling. It contains six pages of artsy goodness! I'll mail this to a special somebody today.

Also, here are some pictures of some of the mail art I've made recently!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mail Art and (LOTS OF) Crochet

These past few months, I've been keeping up with making mail art. I've also been crocheting like a maniac. Don't believe me? See below!


 Crochet (including some indoor yarn bombing practice!)

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013 update

I had an awesome art-making session last night! It lasted ~2 hours and produced 4 completed postcards and the start of some others, plus the start of an art journal page. Here's the goods:

Also, I've crocheted 6 beanies in the past 2 weeks. If you're interested in buying one, please head to Green Owl Crochet (my Etsy shop).

Friday, February 22, 2013

February Update

I've been making quite a bit of art lately! I've mostly been making mail art, but I've done some art journaling, too. The top postcard was made for Jane Davies's campaign to save her local post office. Please check out the project in her blog post, here, and sent her a handmade postcard!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January Update!

On December 20, 2012, I opened an Etsy store called "Green Owl Crochet". Because I've been crocheting so much (usually 2 hours each day), my art-making time/energy has been somewhat limited. Nonetheless, I've still been cranking out some postcards and envelopes for my darling mail art pals.

New Year's Wish (poem)

New Year’s Wish may you always be  the titular character  in the story of your life and may you always  carry with you the magic  inherent i...