Saturday, March 14, 2015

March = mail art galore!

I've been making quite a bit of mail art lately. I don't have a studio area in my Dad's house (which is where I'm living now). Despite this, I've been able to crank out some decent mail art. I've mostly been making postcards lately. I even made some postcards while at Panera (the cafe). I've also been crocheting. I have a couple of WIPs (works-in-progress) going, including a kelly green headband I'm making for St. Patrick's Day. I may also get a couple of orders soon, since a local librarian I know wants me to make something for a baby shower she is going to and someone I follow on Twitter wants a pair of earrings. Score! I love to be paid to crochet!

New Year's Wish (poem)

New Year’s Wish may you always be  the titular character  in the story of your life and may you always  carry with you the magic  inherent i...