Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Happy Fall!

I hope this blog post finds you all doing well. I have been struggling with my pain and fatigue, as always. I injured my wrist last week and have not been able to crochet for a few days. What a bummer! On the plus side, I have been able to make a few collages and write a bit. I have been enjoying the cooler weather. I love to sleep with my window open. I hope you all are doing well!

My sweet baby, Callie, modeling a bandanna I crocheted

three crocheted pumpkins I made

Blue Butterfly 15 (collage)

Red Bird Ghana 500 (collage)

New Year's Wish (poem)

New Year’s Wish may you always be  the titular character  in the story of your life and may you always  carry with you the magic  inherent i...