Saturday, June 17, 2023

behold, summer

Howdy, folks! Summer is in full swing here in New Jersey. It's mostly been hot and sunny. Although, as I write this, it's cool and raining. I have been crocheting a lot, and also making some postcards, paintings, and other fun things. The other day, I used alcohol inks to color sea shells. I used Mod Podge and bits of tissue paper to decorate rocks on another day. I recently got LASIK eye surgery, and I'm still paying off the costs of the surgery. If you would like to support me, please check out my Etsy shop, GreenOwlCrochet. I also accept crochet commissions. Thank you!

decorated rocks

painted pineapple magnet

a painted sea shell

a postcard I made


  1. Hi my dear friend! I’m so proud of you for all you are doing. You are my rick and my inspiration :)

  2. It's great seeing your creativity, Erica! I have been wanting to try painted rocks, but I like your idea of using Mod Podge too.


New Year's Wish (poem)

New Year’s Wish may you always be  the titular character  in the story of your life and may you always  carry with you the magic  inherent i...