Friday, September 29, 2023

it doesn't have to be perfect to be good

It has been cool and extremely rainy here in New Jersey. My pain has been excruciating, unfortunately. As a result, I have mostly been sitting in bed. I have been able to crochet a lot. I also wrote some poetry recently and I painted a rock to look like candy corn. One of the items I crocheted in the past month is a frog stuffed toy. I feel I could have done a better job with sewing the various parts on the frog stuffed toy. The sewing process is always my weak spot with crocheting stuffed toys. However, my friend loved the way the frog turned out, so I am elated. In fact, my friend even ordered one for their kiddo. As always, I appreciate your support. Please consider buying something from Green Owl Crochet. I also accept crochet commissions. I hope you all are doing well! Ciao for now.

frog stuffed toy September 2023

New Year's Wish (poem)

New Year’s Wish may you always be  the titular character  in the story of your life and may you always  carry with you the magic  inherent i...